Wednesday, March 14, 2007

A Traveler's Diary

During my visit with my Grandma and Grandpa Espinoza this March, I was not only basking in the warmth of the San Diego weather, but the light that is my family! Although the visit was short, it was wonderful to be able to sit down with my Grandfather that weekend and talk about life, filling him in on what Rob and I are doing and reminiscing with him about past adventures.

We fell easily into conversation and came to a simultaneous agreement on the importance of learning in one's life. I found myself talking to my Grandpa Noah about Rob's new job in D.C. and the week's wait in order to see each other on the weekend. Thank you Rob for sacrificing one of our weekends**** Anyway.....Grandpa Noah asked me how it was going: "It's really not that bad," I said to him ..... "because we both have an understanding of each other, a comfort level ..... when we are together we are so rewarded because we love each other's company, we love to talk, we love to debate, and we love to learn." This struck a chord in my Grandpa, I could tell. He told me how vitally important that was in some one's life, and how wonderful and happy it made to him to hear that Rob and I shared our love of learning. Thank you Parents for instilling this in us and thank you Bowdoin for doing a bit of refinement!***

For all of my life I have seen the way my Grandfather celebrates life and above all, loves to learn. Among the many hats he puts on, my Grandpa has always been an avid traveler, an adventurer. My grandparents used to spend a lot of time between various homes in Mexico, Hawaii, the States, and other travel spots. Grandpa Noah participated in road rallies, one of which took him from Cartegena, Venezuala to the tip of South America. My Mom laughed about Grandpa Noah taking yoga early on, before it became the sensation it is today...."He was always doing or trying something out before everyone else," my Mom said. I personally have fond memories of hiking the mountain overlooking lake Chapala in Ajijic with Grandpa Noah and struggling to keep up! What a wonderful blessing it was that Rob and I were able to spend our honeymoon there in the home that Grandpa Noah the architect designed. Now it has been donated to a group of elderly women and I hope it serves them well.

Me with Grandma and Grandpa at Maderas eating lunch

The rest of my trip to San Diego was filled with a visit to Uncle Mark and Aunt Vickie's new home near the water, north of the San Diego area; dinner with Uncle Mark and Aunt Vickie at my grandparent's house (Thank you Grandma for your delicious cooking); Sunday church; and a beautiful lunch out at Maderas Golf Course before taking off. I was also able to share this trip with my Mom and together we visited Tita, Lenny, Gracie, and Racheal. That was great and as usual, we all got to chatting and laughing right away as if no time had passed. I feel so at home when around them.

Aunt Vickie, Uncle Mark, Grandpa Noah, Grandma Jeanie, and Mom

Intertwined with all this activity and running around was of course my ongoing conversation with Grandpa Noah about 'life' a couple of them half in and half out of Spanish ..... Sitting in the filtered sun under their backyard porch, I was reminded yet again what a beautiful language Spanish is, especially when I hear my Grandpa speak...I used to try and emulate his accent when I was younger and just learning the language. Grandma and Grandpa's home is so inviting and it was wonderful to just relax and take it all in.

Mom and Grandpa in the Espinoza back yard

In closing, I want to thank my Grandparents for having Me! I also want to thank Uncle Mark and Aunt Vickie for having us in their new home and thank you Tita, Lenny, Gracie, and Racheal for visiting! It was soooo wonderful to see you all again.

Mom, Lenny, and Tita

Racheal and Gracie

I am going to quote my Uncle Mark Espinoza, who said so succinctly and without hesitation on our last day, that there is No better company then his Family and no group of people he would rather be with than his Family! I enthusiastically agreed, as I feel the same way! The family I have grown up with and now my new Mandle family are the people I would gladly spend all of my time with!

Hasta mi correspondencia proximo!

~Maria aka...Duende by my Grandpa Noah

Maderas Golf Club, Poway, California


Catherine said...

What a wonderful mini-vacation! Thanks for sharing the details and the photos. Your family is wonderful!!

Dan said...

What does it mean: "Duende"?

Rob and Maria said...

Dan: Duende means imp in Spanish.

Anonymous said...

This is Val and I think I just figured out how to leave a comment!

Anonymous said...

This is Val again ;)
I love you guys and I love your Blog.
What a wonderful trip you had to San Diego and I wish I could have been there! You packed a lot of quality into a short amount of time- that is a talent you seem to have :)