Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The Mandles in the Adirondacks!

Our recent trip to the Adirondacks in upstate New York with the whole Mandle Clan was a great three and half day adventure for Rob and myself. Rob and I were the first to arrive at our cabin site situated beautifully near Lake Raquette. As we waited for the others to arrive, we decided to canoe across the lake. We also enjoyed the paddle boat a few times throughout our trip and remembered Rob's first visit to Orcas and our paddling cruise across Cascade Lake.

As soon as all the Mandles arrived and got organized we set about the business of grilling burgers and catching up. With little Jackson fully mobile and chattering away in his wonderful baby language, we were all preoccupied for hours and stayed up talking and joking around until our exhausted bodies couldn't hold out any longer. It's a good thing we rested well that night because it was up early (for me anyway) to hike Blue Mnt., but not before a little birthday celebration for my 26th! Thank you Dan, Catherine, and Jackson for the beautiful knitting book and thank you Sigrid, David, and Joe for the precious leather bound, illuminated Bible.....yes, it was heavy carrying it back to Norfolk, but well worth it as it now rests on a prominent side table next to our reading chair in the living room!

We were fortunate to have good weather four our hike up Blue Mountain. Jackson was a trouper and seemed pretty comfortable on the back of his dad Dan. The Mandle brothers stopped to pose for a picture. It was great to see them together again.

There were a couple spots not captured with the camera near the top where the rocks smoothed out to form large, fairly verticle areas perfect for running up, like the scene in Last of the Mohicans. I challenged myself to make a go at it and managed to do so for quite a while. In the end, we all felt like champions when we reached the top to gaze out over the green landscape below.

The rustic cabin we stayed in was cozy and conveniently situated near a badmitten court, which we all frequented, and a play set. There was also a fire pit and grill just outside, but I think we can all agree that the highlight of the little cabin was the covered porch with a wide bench seat that had been turned into a lounging area with a covered mattress outfitted. We all took turns sitting there and reading, watching Jackson zigzag his way around us, and just relaxed, breathing in the cool clean air.

Our vacation in the Adirondacks was particularly special because of the time spent with our family. It was fun to see Catherine, Dan, and Jackson make daily walks around the entire cabin site because little Jackson could not wait to stretch his long legs and explore.

The day after our long hike up Blue Mountain we set out for a canoe and kayaking trip across the Lake and up through a stream and marsh area to a beautiful small rushing falls. We had great fun in the canoes and kayaks and raced each other on the way back.

We enjoyed late night conversations, brownies, pumkin pie, board games, marshmellows, night time swimming, star gazing and more throughout the course of our vacation.

In closing I will leave you all with this: What better way to settle down at the end of a long day with a good book, great company, and a pumpkin pie in your lap?? I don't know, but that sounds like a little bit of heaven to me!!!!!

Much Love,

Maria & Rob

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